I thought a good way to christen this blog would be to post pictures of some of my handspun. What is "handspun," you ask? It's a cute little crafty term that's short for "handspun yarn." And what, exactly, is handspun yarn? Yarn spun by hand, i.e. a living, breathing human being.
This particular yarn was spun from hand-dyed, Bluefaced Leicester wool from
Spunky Eclectic (Bluefaced Leicester is a type of sheep--more info
here and
here, for those so inclined). Out of 8 oz of roving I got about 375 yards of two-ply yarn, all spun and plied on the drop spindle I got for my birthday. (Thank you Cindy and Wes!) The yarn was a present for a friend and last I saw was being knit into a beautiful scarf.
I love the way the colors blend!

Thanks for looking, and stay tuned for pictures of my other handwork--bread, knitting, sewing and anything else my hands can find to do.