This particular yarn was spun from hand-dyed, Bluefaced Leicester wool from Spunky Eclectic (Bluefaced Leicester is a type of sheep--more info here and here, for those so inclined). Out of 8 oz of roving I got about 375 yards of two-ply yarn, all spun and plied on the drop spindle I got for my birthday. (Thank you Cindy and Wes!) The yarn was a present for a friend and last I saw was being knit into a beautiful scarf.
I love the way the colors blend!
Thanks for looking, and stay tuned for pictures of my other handwork--bread, knitting, sewing and anything else my hands can find to do.
Hi, Ame.
ReplyDeleteGlad you started this blog! Loved reading about handspun. And that yarn is beautiful. How long did it take you to convert the 8 oz roving to yarn?
That is beautiful yarn!!! Looks fun.